How to start Space Planning?

Of course, by defining the basic functionality of the space, and then analyzes the current border area and, finally, the binding of a communications system. Next, we consider each room has individually defined functional relationships in areas is carried zoning space and plans to place various groups of furniture.

Organization of living space is nothing else than the search for the most suitable and optimal solutions for the interior layout, which should also be related to the structure of the building and its special decor.

Planning of living space - this is very important stage of any interior design project. Any mistakes or unforeseen change can then seriously complicate the lives of family of the house or apartment.

Our architects will advise you how to rationally plan the space to the interior to make it the most suitable for life. Since ancient times until today, the main purpose of the house are sleeping, cooking and eating, rest. And the design of living space should be repelled from these basic needs.

ALGEDRA Interior Design's Team provides space planning in a wide variety of objects - from one-bedroom apartments in the city, to the cottages, villas and Office space planning. To appreciate the influence of the interior at your life, your home will turn into a cozy corner, full of love and comfort.

ALGEDRA Inteior Design


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