
Showing posts with the label instagood

Algedra Interior Design Villa Exterior Design - تصميم فلل خارجية من الكيدرا



Do you love to read and have a collection of books that can fit in a room by themselves? Are you an avid fan of relaxing in a quiet space, just to get away from the world and delve into a good piece of literature? Home libraries have always been a room in the home that was considered to be an extra, as opposed to the norm.  In today’s world, home libraries are becoming more popular, and home offices are also sharing their space with the home library.  You don’t have to have a large mansion, or even a dedicated room to achieve a beautiful library. Here are 10 tips by ALGEDRA to create a library in your home. 1- Choose where it will be located: Depending on your home layout, and how much space you have, choose an area that isn’t loud and heavily trafficked. A room is ideal that has doors, although a corner of a quiet den or guest bedroom will work well too! 2- Determine how many books you have:   For some, the library should be able to hold all the books that they own, whil

التصميم الداخلي المعتق بقلم المهندس طارق سكيك

حسب مفهوم فن العمارة في اليونان القديمة والإمبراطورية الرومانية،فإن هذ ا الفن من العمارة قد ظهر في جزر إيجة بشكل متناغم وشامل لكل الجوانب ،والذي سمي في وقت لاحق بأساليب ( عصر النهضة،الكلاسيك، والكلاسيك الحديث)،واعتبرت كمصدر أساسي في أساليب الديكور لينهل منه فنانو ومصممو العصر الحديث ،واعتبر أيضاً مقياساً نموذجياًفي المقارنة مابين طرق الديكور والتصميم الحديث. فاالآثار الرائعة من اليونان القديمة وروما والمنحوتات(المدرج،أقواس النصر،الأعمدة،الخزائن الأسطوانية،تمائيل البشر،تمائيل الآلهة)،وهي عبارة عن أشياء ملهمة للكئيرين،وتعتبر في نفس الوقت للكثيرين معياراً للجمال والتصميم الإبداعي ومحط جذب الآخرين. في هذا الأسلوب من الديكور تم تزيين الديكور الداخلي بلوحات جدارية وأقمشة ،وأصبحت الأرضيات الفسيفسائية العادية مغطاة بالسجاد في وقت لاحق مع الأسقف المدهونة ووجود المزهريات الكبيرة ذات الرسومات المختلفة. لم ينجو الأثاث اليوناني الأصلي من الإندثار شيئاً فشيئاً ،ولكن مع الحفاظ على النقوش والرسومات على المزهريات . أشكال الكراسي في هذا الطراز بسيطة جداً وتم المحافظة على أشكاله

تصاميم فلل راقية من الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي

توفر الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي تصاميم مميزة بديكورات عصرية راقية تناسب جميع الأذواق, وتشمل كلاً من التصميم داخلي للفلل والتصميم الداخلي للقصور بالإضافة للتصميم الداخلي للشقق السكنية سيبدأ فريق من مصممينا والذين هم على درجة عاليه من الخبرة بتخطيط وتطوير الفكرة لتقديم كافة الرسومات الأساسية. سيتم تقديم خيارات مختلفة للتصاميم وتقديم صور ثلاثية الأبعاد عالية الدقة لنقدم لعملائنا صورة واقعية للمشروع المراد تنفيذه لنظهر التناسق في توزيع المساحات والانسجام ما بين الألوان المختارة بالإضافة إلى البراعة في توزيع الإنارة لتتماشى مع محتويات المكان , ستنصحك الكيدرا بأفضل الموردين، ومقاولي التركيب، الذين سيعملون وفقا لجدول زمني محدد للتنفيذ , كما سنقوم بتقديم النصائح خلال مراحل التصميم والتنفيذ. الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي

Luxury Interior by ALGEDRA Interior Design

Designers at ALGEDRA Interior Design believe that private area in your home made to escape stresses of the outside world. Throughout our lives, our bedrooms - are our personal areas and this is why taking a designing decision in this area could prove to be somewhat tough. That’s why all of our clients are happy to design their bedrooms with ALGEDRA Interior Design, as we will make their special and private area decorated in the way which comforts them. ‪#‎ Interior_design‬   ‪#‎ ALGEDRA‬   ‪#‎ ALGEDRA_Interior_Design‬   ‪#‎ Interiors‬ ‪#‎ Decor‬   ‪#‎ Dubai‬

Family Room Interior Design by ALGEDRA Interior Design

As the primary space for relaxation and entertainment, the family room often serves multiple functions. Since it's often more casual and informal than a living room, it's the place to watch TV, play video games, read, do homework or host family game night. It's the go-to spot for a wide variety of activity, so it needs to be able to store movies, books and toys, and include everything from a sectional and armchair to a desk, bookshelf and media console. Because of this, planning and organizing your family room as much important as Bedroom design Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - Interiors Idea by ALGEDRA Interior Design

This is exactly what we do in our projects. What is it? Conceptual design can be represented as a higher level of development in the interior design ideas. We believe that almost every person who wish to obtain a beautiful design of his home, trying to expand their horizons - read specialized magazines, watching TV, visiting the exhibition, take a note from other's experience. It helps to determine the preferences and choose favorite solutions. However in many cases, trying to make home more cozy and unique, people have a mixture of unrelated and mismatched elements together. And interesting solutions may not fit into the interior, to be alien and uncomfortable. To avoid this, we use a conceptual approach to interior design in which all elements are interconnected system. The most important thing with this approach - to find the main idea around which concentrates philosophy of surrounding area, and the project will be developed - down to the smallest detail. This idea may


All people know colors and studied about the basic theories of colors, but in interior design sometimes colors don’t fit our home or style, therefore we see that color circle in choosing colors is useless. Color theory The color circle if very important in any design and should be used correctly to have a great result. Colors should be simplified and divided in the color circle. There are 12 main colors, and their gradient colors reach up to 36 colors. 1) Primary colors; are red, yellow, and blue 2) Secondary colors; are orange, green, and purple 3) Midiary colors, the mixture of primary colors and secondary colors. What is design? And it’s fundamentals Design process is about creation, and creativity, by collecting elements from the environment to introduce a usable item with a meaning, and function. The meaning of interior design It is about making a certain space fit and suitable for certain functions or needs, including the floors, walls, ceilings, a