
Showing posts from March, 2015

Bedroom Interior Design by Eng. Tareq Skaik

Furniture and other items in bedrooms vary greatly, depending on taste and local tradition. For instance, a master bedroom may include a bed of a specific size (double, king or queen-sized); one or more dressers (or perhaps, a wardrobe armoire); a nightstand; one or more closets; and carpeting. Built-in closets are less common in Europe than in North America; thus there is greater use of freestanding wardrobes or armoires in Europe. An individual’s bedroom is a reflection of one’s personality, as well as social class, and is unique to each person. However there are certain items that are common in most bedrooms. Mattresses usually have a bed set to raise the mattress off the ground and it provides some decoration. There are many different types of mattresses, in the 14th century the lower class slept on mattresses that were stuffed with straw. During the 16th century mattresses stuffed with feathers started to gain popularity, with those who could afford them. The common person ...


Victorian Style or English Style is strict and conservative to a certain extent, has traditionally been considered a model of refinement, elegance and good taste. English interior Design has plenty of natural wood and textiles, massive doors and large windows, cozy carpets and luxurious drapes, wide wooden staircase and fireplace. Fireplace is an indispensable element in the interior of British homes, also fireplace is a central component around which the interior space is planning, For wall design of classic English living room most commonly we use panels of natural wood or thick wallpaper with traditional strip or small flowers. Usually, the floor covers with parquet. The color scheme can be very diverse - from warm shades of yellow, red, gold to cool blue, green, gray. Textiles play an important role In English interior design, and decorative elements such as curtains, decorative pillows on the sofas and chairs, blankets are a must attribute the living room. Living...

How To Design amazing and Luxury Dressing Room

Today more and more people prefer to have a dressing room. Where they may store most of the clothes and shoes that significantly extend the living space of the apartment. Today we are going to consider some good ideas on how to arrange a dressing room in the house. The first thing to pay attention is the light, which is often lacking in the dressing room. Therefore, we should ensure in a sufficient amount of light in dressing room. Also one of the often question is it necessary to have shelves in the dressing room? Wardrobe definitely need at least one shelf. However,  is not always easy to keep things in order in the on the shelves, especially small accessories, such as belts, socks, jewelry, ties, handkerchiefs and so on. If the size of your wardrobe allows, you may organize your personal table and chair for those purposes. Dressing room should be comfortable place and therefore the door of it should go to the bedroom or bathroom, but not in a crowded room, such a...


This is exactly what we do in our projects. What is it? Conceptual design can be represented as a higher level of development in the interior design ideas. We believe that almost every person who wish to obtain a beautiful design of his home, trying to expand their horizons - read specialized magazines, watching TV, visiting the exhibition, take a note from other's experience. It helps to determine the preferences and choose favorite solutions. However in many cases, trying to make home more cozy and unique, people have a mixture of unrelated and mismatched elements together. And interesting solutions may not fit into the interior, to be alien and uncomfortable. To avoid this, we use a conceptual approach to interior design in which all elements are interconnected system. The most important thing with this approach - to find the main idea around which concentrates philosophy of surrounding area, and the project will be developed - down to the smallest detail. This idea may...

فلل بأساليب تقنية حديثة من الكيدرا لخدمات هندسة التصميم الداخلي

يبدو المنظر العام للفلل المصممة بالطرز التقنية الحديثة ، أنيقة وعصرية وذات منظر عام غير اعتيادي . ويعبر هذا النوع من الطرز في تصميم وتزيين المنازل مناسباً بشكل كبير للأشخاص الذين لايحبون التصاميم العادية والنمطية والمقولبة في نمط واحد ، ويتميز هذا النوع بأسقف من المعادن والزجاج ، ذات نهايات هندسية متميزة . يستخدم في الديكور الأساسي للفيلا أنواعاً مختلفة من الأحجار ، وخاصة بالنسبة لمحيط حوض السباحة وواجهة الفيلا ، وتكون هذه الصخور أو الأحجار طبيعية مختلطة بأنواع مختلفة من مواد البناء بشكل منسجم تضفي على المنظر العام الجمالية والراحة . يشكل الديكور الزجاجي حجر أساس في الفلل المصممة بالأسلوب التقني الحديث ، فالنوافذ البانورامية في المنازل الريفية تزود الغرفة بإضاءة كبيرة وتهوية جيدة .أضف إلى ذلك أن هذا الأسلوب الذي يستخدم في الواجهات الزجاجية يمنحك منظراً رائعاً للحديقة الخارجية ، ويشعر المرء بفسحة كبيرة لامحدودة . من ناحية أخرى يجب أخذ الحذر بعدم استخدام ستائر سميكة لأنها أولاً ستشوه المنظر العام للديكور بالإضافة إلى حجب الإضاءة عن الغرفة وإعطاء المتواجدين فيها شعور...

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - Interiors Idea by ALGEDRA Interior Design

This is exactly what we do in our projects. What is it? Conceptual design can be represented as a higher level of development in the interior design ideas. We believe that almost every person who wish to obtain a beautiful design of his home, trying to expand their horizons - read specialized magazines, watching TV, visiting the exhibition, take a note from other's experience. It helps to determine the preferences and choose favorite solutions. However in many cases, trying to make home more cozy and unique, people have a mixture of unrelated and mismatched elements together. And interesting solutions may not fit into the interior, to be alien and uncomfortable. To avoid this, we use a conceptual approach to interior design in which all elements are interconnected system. The most important thing with this approach - to find the main idea around which concentrates philosophy of surrounding area, and the project will be developed - down to the smallest detail. This idea may...

How to create cozy and warm home

Our homes are very special to us and therefore should be the place where we can relax, feel secure and enjoy the mostly. It is necessary to create cozy and warm environment at home. In this article we are going to consider main things to create comfortable and cozy home: First of all, we need to decide what would be the style of home. Of course, it depends solely on the preferences and taste of the owners. Photos: History in Detail Professional art photos - one of the most stylish and popular elements of interior design. Cozy look collages incorporating interesting family photos or a series of pet's images. Collages on the walls in a single frame or make a kind of composition of a set of different shape and size limits. It is necessary to pay attention to the board exposure, especially nowadays you can buy an electronic picture frame and change its image on your mood. Candles: create romantic atmosphere ...

ديكور الجدران من الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي

يعتبر المنزل الجديد بثابة القماش الأبيض الخالي من أية رسومات أو زركشات ، وبالتالي يمكنك عند البدء بتصميم وتزيين منزلك سواء من الداخل أو الخارج بإطلاق العنان لمخيلتك وإعطاء كل زاوية أو غرفة منه اهتماماً خاصاً وتصميماً مميزاً ومنفرداً . ولاتشعر بأي نوع من الخوف في اختيارك لهذه التصاميم وتمتع بهذه التجربة بشكل كامل لتحقيق التغيير الذي تنشده في حياتك بامتلاك منزل أحلامك ، وتضع فيه كل ماتصبو إليه من أساليب الراحة والدفء والجمال . تزيين الجدران طلاء الجدار : ربما طلاء الجدار بأنواع مختلفة من الدهانات هي أسرع طريقة لإعادة إحياء الجو والمنظر العام للغرفة .أعطها القليل من الإهتمام واختر الألوان التي تعبر ذوقك بعناية فائقة ، مثل اللون الأصفر الذهبي على سبيل المثال والأصفر والأخضر الفاتح الذي يعتبر من الخيارات المتميزة للأشخاص المرحين ومحبي الحياة . أما بالنسبة للسيدات هادئات الطباع ، فإنهم يفضلون اللون الأزرق والمائل للرمادي . وليس من الضروري اتباع النمطية في اختيار الألوان ، فقط أطلق العنان ل...

Happy Weekend from ALGEDRA Interior Design

ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Consultancy Wishing you a Happy Weekend :) الكيدرا لخدمات هندسة التصميم الداخلي تتمنى لكم عطلة سعيدة Algedra interior design company specialized in providing extremely excellent interior design services for both residential and commercial projects, Our interior designers well experienced with many different international styles ,Algedra interior design aim’s to build lasting relations with algedra’s clients through strong communication and hard work شركة الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي متخصصة في تقديم خدمات عالية الجودة في مجالات التصميم الداخلي ,للمشاريع السكنية والتجارية , مصممين الكيدرا على درجة كبيرة من الخبرة في مختلف أنواع و اذواق التصميم الداخلي, تتطلع شركة الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي لبناء علاقات طويلة الأمد مع عملائها من خلال التواصل الدائم والمتابعة المتواصلة للمشاريع ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Consultancy


How to start Space Planning? Of course, by defining the basic functionality of the space, and then analyzes the current border area and, finally, the binding of a communications system. Next, we consider each room has individually defined functional relationships in areas is carried zoning space and plans to place various groups of furniture. Organization of living space is nothing else than the search for the most suitable and optimal solutions for the interior layout, which should also be related to the structure of the building and its special decor. Planning of living space - this is very important stage of any interior design project. Any mistakes or unforeseen change can then seriously complicate the lives of family of the house or apartment. Our architects will advise you how to rationally plan the space to the interior to make it the most suitable for life. Since ancient times until today, the main purpose of the house are sleeping, cooking and eating, rest. ...


Shops are more than space where goods are sold. It is very important to build good atmosphere in the boutique. When the client enter the store, he should not just go through the door and be in the room - he must plunge into enjoyable, stimulating shopping environment. Only with this understanding we can talk about the right approach to sales. The atmosphere in the shop will not happen without the interior design details.  It should have its own non-repeated style.  Our designers create this atmosphere with an individual approach to each clients. The effect of well-formed atmosphere will not take long: From experience of our customers, it can be seen the fact that improvement the atmosphere of store leads to an increase in sales by 10-15%. These figures are more typical for large networks. The highest results are typical for premium and Luxury segments. Sales of luxury goods are much more emotional factors than in supermarkets .  You can see it from our designe...

ALGEDRA interior design - الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي

Algedra Interior Design will provide you with variety of luxury design ideas


Designing all the details of interior in one style is the art, but in one color - a typical and common mistake. Engage closely with this issue: seed favorite colors and based on that make up an interesting mix of colors it might be a neutral accent, or contrast of light and dark. One of the most common mistake is decorating with artificial flowers. Professionals would not recommend you bring into the house dry or artificial flowers. Natural accents are always better idea. Too many sofa pillows. Yes, of course, the pillows make an atmosphere of house comfortable, but sometimes it is becoming too much. If every time you are going to lie down or sit down, you have to push a mountain of pillows. We recommend safely get rid of extravagance! An excess of furniture and decor - the worst enemies of beauty and comfort. Never hide your windows. Hanging curtain rods low is a very common mistake. Curtain rods should be hung to the ceiling to make a sense of height and largess. Rods tha...


How to make good combination of Classic and Modern designs was always popular question. Especially for those who loves classic and at the same time wants to keep up with the last trends. Any room, regardless of size and layout can be designed in a modern style. The cost of furniture and materials used for interior design, does not really matter. Any little thing, such as decorative candle holders, can play in the design space more important than the big statues and expensive paintings. This is the value of modernity.  ALGEDRA's designers want to share with main things need to know to achieve balance between Classic and Modern Design:  1) Use dark oriental colors in furniture and curtains like red and green. 2) Use accessories made of cooper, and apply them in different places. 3) Arabic calligraphy is very attractive especially when applied on lighting covers, and wall paints. Don’t stick to the oriental still only, but also use the Indian, Persian, or Tur...