Renaissance (fr.Renaissance, ital.Rinascimento) - an era in the history of European culture, which replaced the culture of the Middle Ages. Approximate chronological framework of the early XIV- last quarter XVI centuries. A distinctive feature of the Renaissance - the secular nature of culture and its anthropocentrism (ie interest, first of all, to a man and his activities). Appears interest in ancient culture, it is as if its "rebirth" - and came the term. The interiors of palaces impressed with monumental spatial effects, magnificence of marble staircases and rich decor. Living rooms and bedrooms were furnished with expensive furniture, performed in the spirit of antiquity. The floor, walls and door frames lined with marble; or log coffered ceiling trimmed with wood. Renaissance furniture is characterized by a clear form, clear construction and numerous architectural elements. Carcass furniture solved as architectural structure, as a miniature palace with columns,...
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