
Showing posts from 2018

Office interior design

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Mimar Sinan (“Architect Sinan”)

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Interior Design for Penthouse

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Art Deco Style & Théâtre des Champs-Élysées

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How do I build a villa with my own twist (Designing phase - Classic Interiors)

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How do I build a villa with my own twist (Designing phase - Modern Landscape)

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How do I build a villa with my own twist (Designing phase - Classic Landscape)

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How do I build a villa with my own twist – (Designing phase - Contemporary Exterior)

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How do I build a villa with my own twist (Designing phase - Modern exterior)

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How do I build a villa with my own twist – (Designing phase - Classic Exterior)

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How do I build a villa with my own twist? ((Planning phase))

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Nuriye School of Damascus

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الكيدرا تتمنى لكم عيد فطر مبارك


Modernism & Modern style interior design by Algedra

Modernism refers to a design term that embraces a home with clean, crisp lines, a simple color palette and the use of materials that can include metal, glass and steel. It originally started in the mid of 20th century as a revolutionary vision away from classical times and the short negating movements in decoration that followed it after like art deco to acquire new concepts in the way of life with practical, simple and clutter free space to settle in. It applies a sense of simplicity to the house’ atmosphere, with the details insets in the furniture and decoration accessories. Sleek is the word commonly used to describe modern style and it goes for all its sub-styles which each has its own special characteristic elements and details. There are too many sub-styles that falls under this style of interior design and here we will express all important details about the major ones which non-the-less share the same basics in the Modern style large frame. continue reading ...

How Algedra Flourished in 2013

ALGEDRA wanted to be established based on dreams, motives and abundance of knowledge and experience coming from an Interior design background but it was never easy at first as there were many hurdles and challenges which pretty much everyone faces when it comes to investing your time and money in Dubai looking for a better future. ALGEDRA group of companies wanted to step back in 2013 and make a name of themselves in the world of highly qualified interior design companiesand specialize in providing Turnkey projects solutions gaining a massive support from the people around in Dubai looking for the best of the best. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Tropical Style Interior Design

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How Algedra Flourished in 2013

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Identity of Islamic Interior Design – Rashideen Style

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تصاميم معاصرة للمولات ومراكز التسوق من الكيدرا

نحن نقدم التصاميم الداخلية والخارجية للمشاريع التجارية بجميع أنواعها. من خلال الدراسة العميقة والمفصلة لتخطيط للمساحة وإيجاد الحلول المناسبة دائماً، كما أننا نحرص بأعمالنا على الاهتمام بكافة التفاصيل. يقدم خبرائنا أفكاراً إبداعية رائعة تضيف إلى المشاريع قيمتها وتغذي جوهرها. فريق الكيدرا سبق أن قام بالعديد من المشاريع الناجحة. سيجدون لكم أفضل الخيارت وبالتالي سيظهر مشروعك بشكل مذهل أكثر. نحن نقدر أفكار وآراء عملائنا وفريقنا جاهز دائما لخدمتكم وتقديم أفضل خدمات التصميم الداخلي والخارجي. From the creation of concepts to space planning leading to solutions, we take care of everything. We generate the most creative ideas and brands hence adding value to each interaction. The team at ALGEDRA have already worked in many projects and made them successful. Our experts let you choose the best among all hence making your space look the most stunning and desirable among all. We value our clients and are always available at your service for any kind of commercial interior design services.

Mall Architectural by ALGEDRA

نحن نقدم التصاميم الداخلية والخارجية للمشاريع التجارية بجميع أنواعها. من خلال الدراسة العميقة والمفصلة لتخطيط للمساحة وإيجاد الحلول المناسبة دائماً، كما أننا نحرص بأعمالنا على الاهتمام بكافة التفاصيل. يقدم خبرائنا أفكاراً إبداعية رائعة تضيف إلى المشاريع قيمتها وتغذي جوهرها

مشاركة الكيدرا في المبادرة الدولية غذائي علاجي

قامت مجموعة الكيدرا بالمشاركة ف ي المبادرة الخاصة بمؤتمر «غذائي علاجي» الدولي الرابع بدور فعال والذي تم إطلاقه في يوم زايد للعمل الإنساني برعاية «مركز الطارق للتأهيل والتوحد» في العمل التطوعي حيث حازت على شهادة شرفية من «مركز المملكة المتحدة والخليج للدراسات والأعمال» كما حازت على شهادة شكر وتقدير من «مركز الطارق للتأهيل والتوحد» وقد ناب عن الشركة في استلام الشهادات المهندس فؤاد أيوب مدير قسم المشاريع في مجموعة الكيدرا

Modernism & Modern style interior design

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Identity of Classic Interior Design - Gothic Style

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Romanesque style

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تصاميم راقية وعصرية من الكيدرا


Identity of classic style

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Tuscan interior design draws its inspirations from old rustic villages in Italy. Tuscan interiors feature a rustic, sunbaked look characterized by stone patios; sturdy furnishings with elegant iron accents; terra-cotta tiles; textured wall finishes; elegant, detailed murals and trompe l’oeil de­signs. Read more

التوسكاني (الريف الإيطالي)

يستمد هذا النمط أصالته من ألوان بيئة القرى الإيطالية القديمة، بالبشرة السمراء التي تكسو سكانها صيفاً على الشرفات و في المصاطب والساحات الحجرية العتيقة، و في كل ركن من أركان المنزل ستجد حكاية تحكي جانباً من جوانب الحياة العامرة في تلك المنطقة.

اختتام مشاركة ناجحة لمجموعة الكيدرا في معرض اندكس 2018 للديكور


مقابلة م. فؤاد أيوب على قناة الفجيرة - التنفيذ الخاص بالمشاريع المخططة


النمط الانتقالي

التصميم الداخلي الانتقالي هو مزيج من التصميم التقليدي والمعاصر. وهو الخيار المثالي لمن يحب النمط التقليدي ولكنه يرغب في اقتناء بعض الأثاث العصري لمزج متناسق بين أصالة الماضي وجاذبية الحاضر.


Transitional interior design is a combination of traditional and contemporary design. It’s a popular design choice for those who love traditional design but want an updated space with modern influences. The design elements of Transitional Interior Design include:

ALGEDRA Interior Design - Index 2018 Dubai


الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي - إندكس 2018 دبي


Bohemian style interior design

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Carrara marble

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تصميم وديكور فيلا في أبوظبي من الكيدرا


Coastal style interior design

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Tartan fabrics

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تصاميم فلل وقصور من الكيدرا دبي


Cologne mosque

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Anthology wallpaper

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الكيدرا - مقابلة م. ناصر الشمالي في برنامج صباح الخير ياوطن


أهم الأركان للحصول على تصميم داخلي معاصر للمنزل

التصميم الداخلي المعاصر هو طراز جديد في عالم الديكور، متجدد ومتطور باستمرار مع استمرار الدقائق بالمرور، هو كيان جديد، المعاصرة هي عيش اللحظة والانتماء للعصر الحديث القائم حالياً، وهذا هو تعريف التصميم الداخلي المعاصر. إنه يشير إلى كل ما هو مشهور ومطلوب في الوقت الحالي، أي أنه يجاري آخر صيحات الموضة في التصاميم الداخلية، وهو انتقائي لأنه دائم التغير ويستعير قطع الأثاث من جميع الأنماط والعصور. ليس من الضروري أن يكون التصميم من الوقت الراهن، فغالباً يستخدم أثاث العصر الحديث في التصميم المعاصر، ويتم دمج قوالب الأنماط القديمة مع الأنماط الحديثة. لمتابعة قراءة المقال كاملاً يمكنكم التفضل بزيارة الرابط التالي

Modern Pool Designs for Small Yards By ALGEDRA

Modern Pool Designs for Small Yards By ALGEDRA We all need entertainment in the holidays and the summer vacation, a modern pool is the perfect mean of entertainment in a private villa. Modern pools are distinguished for their cladding materials, designs, lighting and regulations. The following are some tips for designing modern pools. Pool design has become a freestyle art, even the traditional rectangular pool can be transformed into a masterpiece by selecting cladding materials made of blue glass, internal mosaic and clear waters, these will create the perfect view to relax next to. Continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link

The Luxurious of Russian Interior Design

The Luxurious of Russian Interior Design - Algedra Interior Design blog This interior design is one of the most elegant and luxurious designs in the world even though it’s rarely found outside of the country, it is well known and desired amongst the highest-class people all over the globe. The Russian nobles seek Quality so they spend lots of money on the most expensive materials and furniture items they could find at the time, and even though the sight of its distinctive decoration draws you close to the coldest spot in the world up north but the feeling you get inside is so warm and cozy. Continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the link

Transparent Wood

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Different Options of Home Flooring from ALGEDRA

Different Options of Home Flooring from ALGEDRA There are many types of flooring that could make a significant difference in the appearance and finishing of your project. Good looking floor could enhance the value of the home and could possibly attract your guests/customers, however, not all builders know how to choose and install the right flooring. Let’s read about the most popular flooring types used by home builders and learn how to choose the right flooring type. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Rococo Style Interior Design

Rococo Style Interior Design Rococo style is the most cozy, comfortable and intimate. Considered as feminine style of interior in classicism. It is dominated by the graceful and curved lines, the interior is light and elegant and the items are often hidden under the overall decor. The color palette is dominated by pastel, light and gentle tone. In the forms of furniture rejection of symmetry and straight lines can be traced. Bertero, canapes, a chaise longue – for those pieces of furniture we owe this style. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

6 ways to shimmer your modern house with glass

Glass is considered one of the most common material to be used in interior design for its special quality of transparency and the ability of reflecting space and elegance. If you are a modern style interior design kind of person, you might find these 6 tips to shimmer your house with glass interesting. who wouldn’t want to have an aquarium at his home, set the soul floating on a lake of relaxing and quietness. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

6 ways to shimmer your modern house with glass

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Brilliant Ideas to make your House looks bigger

Brilliant Ideas to make your House looks bigger It is the most recommended way to bring out the space from the dark whether it comes from the natural rays of the Sun through windows or a glass roof, like mostly all decoration style in the world especially the Islamic style, or with the parametric design of electrical lights to cover all the spots bringing out even the corners to the observing eye. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.