
Showing posts from 2017


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المهندس فؤاد أيوب عضو مجلس ادارة مجموعة الكيدرا


تصاميم داخلية وخارجية للقصور من الكيدرا


The Luxurious of Russian Interior Design

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Top 10 luxurious ideas for home decoration

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الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي


How to differentiate Landscaping from Gardening

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Scandinavian spirit in Interior Design

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Brilliant tips for Chinese style

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Wise choice of the colors for the bedroom

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ديكورات خارجية للفلل والقصور في الإمارات من الكيدرا


تصميم وتنفيذ فيلا من مجموعة الكيدرا


تصميم وتنفيذ فيلا من مجموعة الكيدرا



The most important decision after choosing the house itself is choosing its colors. Recent studies have revealed that the colors effect your mood, life and behavior immensely, they also reflect you character, the way you think and your life for other people without you even realizing which is why you should choose colors wisely. To read more click here .

لقاء م طارق سكيك في برنامج صباح الشارقة


ديكورات قصور وفلل في الإمارات من الكيدرا

And so, the hope was high as the tide was bringing our ship ashore, the dream of a brighter better future is in the horizon as we get off board to the new world. Here we leave the stormy ocean behind and start a new life in the early American days of colonial era. Those are the early years of the 17 th century were the first 13 colonies have been founded, and amusingly shall we enter the center of such beautiful work of art! to read more click here .

تصاميم فلل راقية في دبي


Palace Interior design by Algedra Interior Design


ALGEDRA Interior Design - Index 2017 - مشاركة الكيدرا بمعرض إندكس 2017

Challenge acceptance is a brand we hold the dearest here at Algedra group, it shined brightly on the index 2017 exhibition held in Dubai. In only 3 short days, Algedra team of specialists managed to achieve the perfection of building up a master piece of elegance on a 96-square foot area, putting it together needed a great deal of effort considering the level of art work we had to accomplish through the limitation of time. Our bright achievement was complemented with the visiting of our dear clients adding up the spirit of happiness and satisfaction to stand we made which became a beacon in the exhibition as people kept coming to witness the level of creativity we have reached. Inspired by the greatness of Andalusian’s culture, artistically mashed up with the comfort and intelligence of the modern life style furniture. Roll your eyes around and feel the harmony of splendor and modernity of black and white coloring the Islamic design arcs blessed with the touch of gold hymni...

Arabian Style in Interior Design by ALGEDRA

It’s Caravan time! and here we are on a magical adventure to the heart of Arabia’s desert to uncover some of the mysteries and wonders hidden beyond the sands of time. As we march on avoiding the mirage of presumptions, the atmosphere of ambiguity becomes unfold before us revealing with clarity and the matured Arabic style in a new way that we have never expected. to read more please click here .

ALGEDRA Interior Design - Index 2017 - مشاركة الكيدرا بمعرض إندكس 2017

Challenge acceptance is a brand we hold the dearest here at Algedra group, it shined brightly on the index 2017 exhibition held in Dubai. In only 3 short days, Algedra team of specialists managed to achieve the perfection of building up a master piece of elegance on a 96-square foot area, putting it together needed a great deal of effort considering the level of art work we had to accomplish through the limitation of time. Our bright achievement was complemented with the visiting of our dear clients adding up the spirit of happiness and satisfaction to stand we made which became a beacon in the exhibition as people kept coming to witness the level of creativity we have reached. Inspired by the greatness of Andalusian’s culture, artistically mashed up with the comfort and intelligence of the modern life style furniture. Roll your eyes around and feel the harmony of splendor and modernity of black and white coloring the Islamic design arcs blessed with the touch of gold hymnin...

Medieval Style in Interior Design by ALGEDRA

Haven’t you ever thought of a backpacking trip across the western Europe countryside filling your eyes with the color of life. To the west of the brighten sun of newly born Arabian empire we travel to see the purity of cool water springs running down from snow-white mountain tops spreading through the green lands once was conquered by the collapsed Roman empire. Let’s have a closer look at this era before the age of Renaissance emerged and ease our eyes on the dramatic look of an environment that held the combination of the wealth of Nature and the darkness in the European civilization. for more information please click here

Japanese style in interior design

Here we travel to the far east to where once a great empire had manifested on the land of the rising Sun in the late years of the 16 th century, and attend the ancient dance of shadow and light that was inspired by the Zen philosophy to become their way of life. to learn more please click here

Industrial Style in Interior Design by ALGEDRA

In those fast pacing days of modern life one might feel mentally depleted, losing the purpose, and missing the point of getting up to work every day. Few changes in decorating your surroundings might do the trick! Just imagine yourself opening the door back home to the place where it started it all… The hopes, the dreams, and the urging need to build a better life for your family. to read the full blog please click here

Gothic Style in Interior Design by ALGEDRA

For Gothic style colors, use dark shades you don't have to paint the walls with shades like black if it looks to dark. You can go with maroon, navy blue .....  to Know more kindly visit the link and read the full blog about Gothic style in interior design by ALGEDRA

French Country interior style by ALGEDRA

French Country interior style by ALGEDRA French country interior design is a unique and very addictive form of rustic chic. in this blog we will give you some easy-to-copy French country home decor ideas for a convincing French country home decorating look French country colors represent gentleness, when they're bright, deep or pastel, Whites are warm, cream, ivory. Other colors come directly from the landscape: dusty sages and lavenders, sunny yellows and sky blues, pink and brick reds. The French country furniture is based on elegance and functionality and they are largely free of the embellishments that historically have marked more affluent in French designs, they're shapely and well scaled, with an eye toward balance. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Chinese Culture and Traditional Interior Style

Chinese Interior Design draws its influence from thousands of years of Chinese culture and decorating. There is tremendous talent in the Chinese interior designers. Chinese design style is noted for its Zen-like aesthetic and simplicity. It is about clean lines and character of shape. Spaces designed in Chinese style are often serene and peaceful.  There is a visual flow that is welcoming and relaxing. In this article, our designers would like to share with you a few interesting tips about Chinese interior style: continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Elegant Restaurant Design by Algedra in Dubai


English Country Style in interior design by ALGEDRA

English Country Style in interior design by ALGEDRA The key to design an authentic English country home decor in your home is to generate a relaxed, rustic feel. Comfort is the order of the day, with eccentric pattern theming and a mix of classic and contemporary furnishings To capture the essential English country style for your home decor, you must look at your color palette, your fabrics and flooring. Opt for darker shades than you would find in a typical contemporary home – you are looking for browns and dark reds for flooring while wall coverings and fabrics should feature patterns. Drapes, table and seat cover should make the most of floral themes and those with an Autumnal feel are most appropriate to the style. Chintz fabrics can look as are tassels, fringes, plaid and trimmings. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Restaurants Interior Design from ALGEDRA

Restaurants Interior Design from ALGEDRA The interior design of the restaurant serves more than what the food actually does because the look of the restaurant is what would attract customers. So, for the restaurants interior design we need to play with lots of imagination, come out with the colors of designs which will be appreciable by all, gives a warm and cozy atmosphere of hospitality and harmonies their meals with pleasant smooth interiors. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Arts and Crafts Style in interior Design by ALGEDRA

Arts and Crafts Style in interior Design by ALGEDRA The Arts and Crafts movement took off around the turn of the 20th century. Like the Art Nouveau movement, it developed as a backlash against the overwrought style of the Victorian era. It rejected the factory-produced furnishings and decorative accents that prevailed at the time, embracing instead natural beauty and traditional craftsmanship. Some defining characteristics of Arts and Craft interior design are: continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Art Nouveau Style in interior design by ALGEDRA

Art Nouveau Style in interior design by ALGEDRA Neoclassical architecture is an architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century. During the 19th century, interior design was very much about neoclassicism. Historicism was the order of the day and art nouveau interior design arose as a reaction to this traditional style. There are many ways to emulate art nouveau style decor in your modern home design. Here are some ways to copy the look and turn your house into an art nouveau paradise. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

تصاميم فلل راقية في دبي


Algedra Interior Design by Redwan Hakim Head of Sales Department


الآرت ديكو في عالم الديكور من شركة الكيدرا

من الممكن أن يكون قد مر على مسمعك كلمة آرت ديكور ولم تهتم لمعناه أو تعرف ما المقصود به في عالم الديكور ببساطة ظهر هذا المصطلح في العقد الثالث والرابع  من القرن العشرين، وهو اتجاه يهتم بشكل رئيسي بالفنون الزخرفية والعمارة والديكور والأزياء، وذهب في مسار مضاد للكلاسيكية، بحيث اتجه هذا النمط لاستخدام الألوان الغنية والأشكال الهندسية الجريئة الفخمة، وعلى الرغم من مرور السنين على هذا النمط إلا أن شعبيته والإقبال عليه في ازدياد مستمر. إن فن (الآرت ديكو) هو أسلوب تصميم داخلي وهو التفسير العصري للكلاسيكية في روح الفن الذي يجمع بين الأشكال الهندسية التقليدية والمواد الطبيعية والتنوع الحديث.  لقراءة المقال كاملاً يرجى التفضل بزيارة الرابط التالي

Art Deco Interior Design Style by ALGEDRA

As an entirely distinct concept within art and interior design Art Deco can be traced back to Europe in 1908. Art Deco was a movement with strong connections to France in general, and Paris in particular. Art Deco is an interior design concept that can help to promote the use of simple bold shapes, patterns, and colors yet demonstrates that it had a wide variety of influences whilst the items produced under its name covered an equally wide variety of designs. Continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

الآرت نوفو (الفن الحديث) في الديكور من شركة الكيدرا

 Art Nouveau Style in interior design by ALGEDRA Neoclassical architecture is an architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century. During the 19th century, interior design was very much about neoclassicism. Historicism was the order of the day and art nouveau interior design arose as a reaction to this traditional style. There are many ways to emulate art nouveau style decor in your modern home design. Here are some ways to copy the look and turn your house into an art nouveau paradise. Continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Hospitality Decoration projects by Algedra Interior Design


Decor company in Dubai


Interior Design company in Dubai


شركات تصميم داخلي في دبي - الكيدرا


Great Steps to Achieve Royal Style in Your Bedroom Design

The bedroom is one of the most important areas in the house thus the design must help the person relax and feel comfortable, you can design the bedroom according to the occupant’s taste, for those with upscale taste they usually prefer a luxurious upscale bedroom design, the following are some ideas to help you achieve a luxurious royal bedroom style.  Royal design bedrooms are characterized with light bright colors, gold dominates the royal designs, you can combine between the gold and light colors that suits it such as Beige and white, you can use a cloth wallpaper as alternative to wall paint. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Important Elements for a Contemporary Home Interior Design

Important Elements for a Contemporary Home Interior Design Contemporary interior design is a new style in decor world, it is ever changing and updating, contemporary means to live in the moment and to belong to the current modern life. Contemporary means everything demanded currently, means it goes with the latest buzz in interior design, and it is selective because it is ever changing and always inspiring new pieces from different styles and eras, for contemporary design it doesn't necessarily mean a design from the current period as it usually combines between modern and old styles. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

The Colonial Style in Interior design from Algedra

The Colonial Style in Interior design from Algedra Two styles were popular in the beginning of the twentieth century, the old classical style which was the primary style, and the second style is the modern which have big support from who wants to break the typical. The Colonial style in interior design includes several buildings design associated with the colonial period of the United States, including first English period (late-medieval), French Colonial, Spanish Colonial, Dutch Colonial and Georgian. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Spring inspiration in pastel color to give a joyful touch for your home by Algedra

Spring is around the corner with its beautiful vibrant colors and heavenly flower smell that makes everybody feel happy, spring is when the nature beauty is in its peak. houses are decorated with the beautiful vibrant colors of spring, bright color such as orange, yellow, pink and green are colors Algedra designers advise you to use to make your home atmosphere similar to the atmosphere of the spring. Changing the wall color or a small part of it can make a drastic change. Paint your home in green, pink or blue along with a bright wallpaper. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Avoid this fails for a beautiful and special house with simple decoration

Lot of us choose the house furniture relying on traditional taste, but this might not be suitable for all homes and this will lead to un harmonized decoration. that’s why we will show a sample of the fails that usually happen Put a lot of carpet in the bathroom, it’s enough to use one small carpet to dry foot Uncovered cables, who of us not suffering from the problem of electrical cables accumulation behind the computer or TV? To resolve this issue, gather all the cables to the cabinet or library leg, or cover it with suitable cover with the wall color. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

تقرير عن مسجد خليل الرحمن بالشارقة والذي نفذته مجموعة الكيدرا


تصميم وديكور مسجد في إمارة الشارقة - الكيدرا للتصميم والديكور

قامت شركة الكيدرا مؤخراً بوضع اللمسات النهائية لديكورات مسجد ضمن إمارة الشارقة, أبدع فيها فريقنا بتنسيق الإنسجام بين مكونات الديكور بزخارفه التي حملت الطابع العربي الإسلامي متجلياً بانحناءاته المميزة وروعة تفاصيله وأضاف إليها الخط العربي روعةً ليكتمل المشهد بجو إسلامي يناسب الغاية منه. قمنا بتزيين حائط مصلى الرجال بزخارف إسلامية ذهبية و زخارف جبسية , أما في السقف استعملنا الزخارف الخشبية لخلق فخامة مكسوة بالدفء مع إضاءة مخفية لإبراز جمالية الألوان الذهبية والخشب, بالإضافة للرسومات الإسلامية  في المناطق المنحنية كالمحراب وبعض التفاصيل الرخامية , و لإبراز جمالية قبة المسجد والاستفادة من عامل الإضاءة الطبيعي  قمنا بوضع العديد من النوافذ مع وجود بعض الاضاءة المخفية الموجهة لتوضيح زخارف القبة. كما استخدمنا مشربيات مذهبة للفصل بين مصلى الرجال و النساء مع اضافة بعض العناصر الإسلامية في الاضاءة . كما قمنا بتغطية العواميد بالخشب لإعطائها أكثر قيمة وجمالاً. أما بالنسبة للموضأ, فالارضية من نوع مخصص لمنع الانزلاق بعد الوضوء, وترى مستوى صنبور الماء مرتفعاً قليلاً لتقليل...

Great Steps to Achieve Royal Style in Your Bedroom Design

The bedroom is one of the most important areas in the house thus the design must help the person relax and feel comfortable, you can design the bedroom according to the occupant’s taste, for those with upscale taste they usually prefer a luxurious upscale bedroom design, the following are some ideas to help you achieve a luxurious royal bedroom style.  Royal design bedrooms are characterized with light bright colors, gold dominates the royal designs, you can combine between the gold and light colors that suits it such as Beige and white, you can use a cloth wallpaper as alternative to wall paint. A royal bedroom’s floor is mostly made of brown hardwood as it provides a feeling of luxury and sophistication and provides the room with tranquility and comfort. Royal furniture is fairly huge, thus there must be a sufficient space to place the furniture in a comfortable and well-arranged manner, the bed has to be large to give the royal appearance, the bed headboard can be made ...

Latest Ideas About Designing Men Majlis Inspired by ALGEDRA

Latest Ideas About Designing Men Majlis Inspired by ALGEDRA A Majlis Is a guest reception room in the traditional Arab houses, often has its own character.  Majlis were used in the past to host guests and as a place for cultural and scientific seminars. In the current era, it has been turned into a guest room that reflects the generosity and hospitality of the house owner. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

أرقى شركة ديكور داخلي في الإمارات


Important Interior Design Principles by ALGEDRA Company

The design process depends on innovation and configuration, Through the collection of elements from the environment and put them in a specific configuration to give anything a function or meaning and some differentiate between configuration and design because some consider configuration as part of the design process because the design intervene with the human thought, experience and different personal taste. The definition of interior design: - It Is to prepare a place to perform its function with minimal effort that includes the floors, walls, ceilings and fixtures. It is also known as the art of addressing the void or space and all its dimensions in a way that exploit all the design elements in aesthetic manner that helps to work inside the building. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Modern Pool Designs for Small Yards By ALGEDRA

We all need entertainment in the holidays and the summer vacation, a modern pool is the perfect mean of entertainment in a private villa. Modern pools are distinguished for their Cladding materials, designs, lighting and regulations, the following are some tips for designing modern pools. Pool design has become a freestyle art, even the traditional rectangular pool can be transformed into a masterpiece by selecting cladding materials made of blue glass, internal mosaic and clear waters, these will create the perfect view to relax next to. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي على رأس قائمة الشركات الناجحة في الإمارات

منذ إنشاء شركة الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي, و نجاحها أشبه بالمعجزة حيث نمت على مدار الأعوام وازداد نجاحها عن طريق ابتكار تصاميم مذهلة ناتجة عن أفكار رائعة ومبتكرة للتصاميم الداخلية للمساحات السكنية, تصاميم الفلل, غرف النوم وأيضآ تصاميم المجالس وفضلآ عن تصاميم المشاريع التجارية, وتصاميم قطاع التجزئة وهذا ما يعتبر السبب الرئيسي الذي يكمن خلف نجاح الشركة, حيث قامت شركة الكيدرا بإثبات خبرتها واطلاعها الواسع في مجال التصميم والديكور الداخلي وقدرتها على خلق تصاميم مذهلة وخالية من أي عيب أو خطأ في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط وخاصة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. لمتابعة قراءة النقال يرجى التفضل بزيارة الرابط التالي

مجموعة الكيدرا - Algedra Group


Awesome Ideas to Achieve a Modern Style for your Palace Inspired by ALGEDRA

Palaces are always characterized by luxury, elegance and sophistication, and they are always the focus of attention because they posse’s mystery, so most people are curious to see what is going on within its walls, to learn its secrets and discover their advantages, the following article includes everything that modern mansions posses of the latest fashion technology to the luxury and extravagance in them. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

Modern Pool Designs for Small Yards By ALGEDRA

Modern Pool Designs for Small Yards By ALGEDRA We all need entertainment in the holidays and the summer vacation, a modern pool is the perfect mean of entertainment in a private villa. Modern pools are distinguished for their Cladding materials, designs, lighting and regulations, the following are some tips for designing modern pools. Pool design has become a freestyle art, even the traditional rectangular pool can be transformed into a masterpiece by selecting cladding materials made of blue glass, internal mosaic and clear waters, these will create the perfect view to relax next to. continue reading this article and know more about the art of interior design by following the below link.

الكيدرا من أفضل شركات الديكور الداخلي في دبي وأبوظبي
