
Showing posts from November, 2015

Creative Design Ideas for your Home

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

7 Tips to make your Small Home look Larger

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

غرفة الأسبوع .. غرفة المعيشة

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

إضافة لمسة فاخرة لغرفة الجلوس في الفيلا

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

9 Pro Tips to Create a Long-lasting Kid's Room

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

الديكورات الحديثة بين الكلاسيك والنمط الحديث

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

التصميم الداخلي وطرق الإنارة وتوزيع الضوء

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

Tips to choose colors for a Home

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

أفضل لون لغرفة النوم

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

دورات مهمة لمصممي الديكور

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

تعلم أساسيات التصميم للمنزل

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

أفكار التصميم الداخلي لمطعم

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

لون المنزل الخارجي لهذا الاسبوع.. ألوان الخريف

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

Exterior Color of the Week The Fall Color

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

تحتاج إلى مساحة صغيرة للعمل داخل غرفة النوم؟ نصائح للمتابعة

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

كيفيةاختيار الألوان المناسبة لمنزلك

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

نصائح لاختيار الألوان لغرفة النوم الرئيسية

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

A Creative Pinch for the Interior of your Restaurant

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

Wise Choice of Colors for Bedroom

Image by  Eng. Tareq Skaik Head of Design Department ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services.

Ideas for Office Corner in your Bedroom

Do you need a corner as your home office in your bedroom? Here are some ideas by ALGEDRA Interior Design to follow: A lot of people look for a calm atmosphere to work in such as the house which require a home office. But despite the good atmosphere it provides you, there are a few major differences between a real office and a home office. Because when you want to merge your office in your house it must fit with the rest of your home parts to provide you while working with relaxation, comfort and serenity that a house usually provides, which doubles your ability to work and work becomes a joy rather than a duty. It is also possible to design a home office in many corners of the house or in a bedroom. As for designing an office in your own bedroom ALGEDRA is giving some ideas and choices for a home office that is elegant and efficient: 1.       A small practical side office desk: Use a small table on the side of the bed or the wall, with drawers t...

Tips to choose colors for a Home

The most important decision after choosing the house itself is choosing its colors, recent studies revealed that colors affect your mood, life, and behaviors immensely. They also reflect you character, the way you think and your life for other people without you even realizing, that’s why you should choose colors wisely. You can create a beautiful house by smartly combining the favorite colors for the family members, the trick is to use all of your favorite colors in a way that fits the house and makes it comfortable to live in it for a long period of time. Here are some tips and information about the basics for choosing colors and the colors impact on our lives. Choose wisely - is the first tip. Choose the colors that give you a sense of tranquility and relaxation that are also comfortable for the eyes. The room colors affect your mood either in a positive, negative or a neutral way. Bright colors make the room look spacious while darker colors provide intimacy and warmth....

Room of the Week – The Living Room by ALGEDRA

The living room is the room that gets most of attention from the house lady, as it is one of the most important rooms in the house. It is considered as the mirror of the house and the first thing that the guests see, many activities and meetings between the family members and their friends are held in this room. That is why it must be comfortable, exciting and should vibrate vitality. So to maintain an elegant and luxurious look we should pay attention to the smallest detail. Here are some basic explanations by ALGEDRA Interior Design. In luxurious and large houses the living room has a view on the garden and the pool if it exists - this view gives the living room a spacious and elegant look. The living room can be simple and modern, it can be very simple and effortless and elegant at the same time. But a living room in the countryside whether it’s large or small and is characterized by simplicity, intimacy, and warmth, it is distinctive and comfortable for family members, ...

6 طرق مفيدة لتحسين تصميم مطبخك

Image 1-وضع ملصقات :  بأسماء المواد الموجودة في القطع الزجاجية،البلاستيكية،والخشبية عليها من الخارج،وإذا لم يكن لديك ملصقات ،يمكنك استعمال الشريط اللاصق لنفس الغرض.وهذا مايسهل عليك الحركة داخل المطبخ ومعرفة مكان وجود كل مادة على حدة. 2-إعادة تنظيم قياسات الملاعق لديك : إذا كان لديك أكثر من مجموعة من قياسات الملاعق المختلفة،لاتضعهم جميعهم في مكان واحد في نفس الدرج.وحاول أن تفصل مثلاً ملاعق الشاي وملاعق الطعام كل على حدة في مكان منفصل،وهذه العملية البسيطة وغير المكلفة تسهل عليك فرز الملاعق حسب أحجامها والوصول إليها بسهولة وسرعة. 3-دهن ألواح تقطيع الطعام بالزيت : خمسة دقائق فقط من وقتك كل شهر مايلزم للحفاظ على ألواح تقطيع الطعام الخاصة بك فس شكل ممتاز.آخذاً بعين الإعتبار بأن هذه الألواح تعتبر مثل العمود الفقري الرئيسي في المطبخ، وتستحق هذه العناية للحفاظ عليها لفترة طويلة من الإستعمال. 4-  تنظيف السكاكين : يجب تنظيف السكاكين بشكل صحيح مثل أ...

Effective Usage of Glass

The usage of glass goes back to pre- 4000 BC. Nowadays a glass is used as a transparent panel that has paintings, decorations, joyful colors, and also as a fascinating artifact because of its ability to adjust and transform to various shapes. It also makes space look spacious and bright.   Types of Glass and its Uses: The glass is used in many luxurious decorative pieces for living rooms. Tables use a lot of glasses, such as dining tables and living room’s tables. Windows are a decorative use of the glass. As home interfaces face streets or parks and also to take the advantage of the bulk of the external light. Glass windows will look more aesthetic if they have a metallic frame which is the perfect match for the multi-colored stainless steel metal. The glass is also used in home decorations and in internal and external doors’ models, but it should be placed in special colors that suit the house to add joy and comfort because colors play an influential role in hum...

الكيدرا للتصاميم الداخلية الراقيه في دبي


Bedroom decoration by ALGEDRA Interior Design

With busy lives full of family, friends and work, our bedroom is oftentimes the place we go to relax and escape everyday life. When done right, a bedroom is a stress-free private sanctuary full of soothing colors, comfortable bedding and plush pillows. Setting that tone is often a challenge, especially when kids often take precedence, but a quick makeover can easily transition even the most in-trouble space. ALGEDRA Interior Design