Showing posts from February, 2015
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The hotel is a place with a large flow of people and a permanent home for all of them. The owners are trying to do everything to ensure that visitors will stay in their hotels several times. The decisive factor in the design of the hotel is comfort, therefore special attention is paid to the choice of furniture. Style solution to the interior of the hotel The hotel's design should be Unique, to be competitive. Great influence on the design affects location, as well as culture and mentality of the region. The Interior of the Hotel should not be always classic, some designers "play" with contrasts, by means of what is possible to distinguish original and unusual ideas. It is important to create the interior, which will be interesting for guests of all ages. It is better if the future hotel will be a real work of art. Very popular is the high-tech style, but there are also designs made by luxury vintage. Often people like to combine several styles in the same ...
Luxury Offices Interior Design By ALGEDRA
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Interior Design company «ALGEDRA Interior Design Engineering Services» offers professional design of Office Design Planning in UAE. We are working in different styles and directions, quickly and accurately. Big successful work experience allows us to satisfy all needs of our customers. Many people wonder, why do we need an interior design office. If you can simply place table and chairs set computers, and start working. Such an approach is completely unacceptable if you want the office was a place where every employee would like to come back. With professional knowledge and experience we are doing jobs not only comfortable and ergonomic, but also attractive. Office design should pay a lot of attention also because it is a look of the company. Customers and business partners, who are coming to meetings, should feel the atmosphere of reliable and reputable company. The external appearance of the workspace shows corporate spirit: an abundance of space and transparent materials sa...
Retail and Shop Interior Design by ALGEDRA
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Shops are more than space where goods are sold. It is very important to build good atmosphere in the boutique. When the client enter the store, he should not just go through the door and be in the room - he must plunge into enjoyable, stimulating shopping environment. Only with this understanding we can talk about the right approach to sales. The atmosphere in the shop will not happen without the interior design details. It should have its own non-repeated style. Our designers create this atmosphere with an individual approach to each clients. The effect of well-formed atmosphere will not take long: From experience of our customers, it can be seen the fact that improvement the atmosphere of store leads to an increase in sales by 10-15%. These figures are more typical for large networks. The highest results are typical for premium and Luxury segments. Sales of luxury goods are much more emotional factors than in supermarkets . You can see it from our desig...
ماذا قالت قناة سكاي نيوز العربية عن شركة الكيدرا لخدمات هندسة التصميم الداخلي
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شركة الكيدرا لخدمات هندسة التصميم الداخلي متخصصة في تقديم خدمات عالية الجودة في مجالات التصميم الداخلي ,للمشاريع السكنية والتجارية , مصممين الكيدرا على درجة كبيرة من الخبرة في مختلف أنواع و اذواق التصميم الداخلي, تتطلع شركة الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي لبناء علاقات طويلة الأمد مع عملائها من خلال التواصل الدائم والمتابعة المتواصلة للمشاريع
ماذا قالت قناة سكاي نيوز العربية عن شركة الكيدرا لخدمات هندسة التصميم ال...
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What Do You Need to Know about Bathroom Designs? by ALGEDRA Interior Design
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Bathroom Design: What Do You Need to Know? The interior of the bathroom we harmoniously reflects the concept of style apartment house. By combining modern technology with the classical traditional style, our designers create magnificent interiors that use the best materials, panel paintings, fine furniture for the luxury bathroom. More recently, the bathroom was given one of the smallest rooms in the apartment, and its’ interior was standard and was a combination of tile dark and light colors. Today's bathrooms need to be beautiful, use space efficiently and serve the users functionally. Getting to the design of bathrooms, you should first decide on a set of furniture, plumbing and other devices that will be in this room. You should also make a choice between a shower or bath and the type of washing machine. Also, it would not be more to place in a bath towel dryer and lockers for storage of household chemicals and cosmetics. Choosing plumbing and appliance...
Bedrooms Interior Design By ALGEDRA Interior Design
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A bedroom is a room where people sleep. A typical Western bedroom consists of a bed, closet, nightstand, desk, and dresser. Furnishings Furniture and other items in bedrooms vary greatly, depending on taste and local tradition. For instance, a master bedroom may include a bed of a specific size (double, king or queen-sized); one or more dressers (or perhaps, a wardrobe armoire); a nightstand; one or more closets; and carpeting. Built-in closets are less common in Europe than in North America; thus there is greater use of freestanding wardrobes or armoires in Europe . An individual’s bedroom is a reflection of one’s personality, as well as social class, and is unique to each person. However there are certain items that are common in most bedrooms. Mattresses usually have a bed set to raise the mattress off the ground and it provides some decoration. There are many different types of mattresses, in the 14th century the lower class slept on mattresses that were stuffed with str...
Bedroom Interior Design by ALGEDRA - تصميم غرف نوم من الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي
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Bedroom Interior Design by ALGEDRA With busy lives full of family, friends and work, our bedroom is oftentimes the place we go to relax and escape everyday life. When done right, a bedroom is a stress-free private sanctuary full of soothing colors, comfortable bedding and plush pillows. Setting that tone is often a challenge, especially when kids often take precedence, but a quick makeover can easily transition even the most in-trouble space. ALGEDRA Interior Design
التسييج وديكور الفلل من الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي والخارجي
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يعتبر الدرابزين (السياج) سمة مميزة في الفلل ذات الطابع الكلاسيكي ، وهي تضفي على الديكور العام للفيلا صفة جمالية ، وتخدم بشكل عضوي كل من الدرج أوالبلكون الموجودين فيها . يستخدم في صناعة الدرابزين أنواعاً متعددة من المعادن كالحديد ، الزنك ، الألمنيوم وغيرها ، والمصنعة بشكل فني ورائع وبزخرفة معمارية تتماشى مع الديكور العام للفيلا ، وتضفي على المكان جمالية وحيوية كبيرة . ويستخدم الدرابزين لكل من البلاكين ، السلالم والتراسات ويعتبر جزءاً من أجزاء الديكور الداخلي ، بالإضافة لاستخدامه في الحماية أيضاً . الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي